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Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing.
On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.
We didn't make the decision about going to war. The terrorists made the decision about going to war.Well, ok, but are Republicans allowed to say that about the man they call the President?
To: Fox News Staff Just got the latest numbers (here's the PDF, 315KB). I must say I am impressed:
We're #1! Congratulations all around, and please keep up the good work, people! * No, not that Roger Ailes!
A Deplorable October Surprise
See Also: today's Daily Howler. And Body and Soul here.
Can't They Just Admit It?
CIA Leak Is a Poor Excuse for a Scandal
Plus: CalPundit offers a retort to Mr. Boot.
...you know, a single allegation can be most worthy of a special prosecutor.Liberal Oasis has the answer. And then you've got to see The SideShow (it's rock and roll), where the amazing Avedon Carol juggles piquant commentary, fine links and frequent whimsy. Most people who are not Peggy Noonan already peruse TBOGG regularly, and for good reason. But there is a complete absence of evidence that even Peggy Noonan is able to resist reading the highly humorous Mad Kane. One of no doubt many skills possessed by the mysterious UnaBlogger is a distinct talent for matching artwork to on-line publications. We sure like ours! Update: click only if you're cool with scantily clad people. And finally but not leastly, or something like that, there's the Blog in Black, where the realization is slowly dawning on Julia that her daughter is near unbearably delightful. As is Sisyphus Shrugged. More later.
Don't Play Politics on Iraq
Tune In, Turn On Voters, Don't Drop Out
The Presidency Wars
Suburban Guerrilla also deflates Brooks today. And Tristero has more. Update: Michael Froomkin analyzes Brook's piece at Discourse.net and The Daily Howler weighs in too (last article on the page).
Le Scandale Plame: The Adventure Begins
Players Altercation BuzzFlash.com Cursor Daily Howler Media Matters Huffington Post Talking Points Tapped TPM Cafe truthdig truthout Boutique Agonist Best of the Blogs The Daou Report Failure Is Impossible FreewayBlogger Idiocentrism Info Clearing House Jesus' General Jon Swift Lefty Directory Memeorandum Neal Pollack Rational Enquirer Reality Control Ambient Alert Official Simulator Orwell Search Get Me Rewrite! Tiny Polemics Temple of GWB Stand Down UnaBlogger Unknown News Wall St. Follies Open Letters To... Chris Matthews Tim Russert Washington Post Roll your own me-zine |
The floggings will cease when morale improves. |
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