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The Cable War Network isn't even trying to pretend there's any other news worth reporting.
All war, all the time.
Shorter Charles Krauthammer:
Leave no tragedy un-spun. The Monday killing of at least ten Iraqi civilians by American soldiers at a checkpoint in Southern Iraq was called a "very tragic incident" by U.S. Central command, but over at Fox News, sinister motives were discerned and broadcast. The Fox story was picked up by NewsMax on Tuesday: Fox News Channel today quoted a Shiite clergyman as saying Iraqi troops forced the terrified driver to run the checkpoint by threatening to murder his family, and they forced the unfortunate women and children into the van.And then came WorldNetDaily, also on Tuesday: A Shiite Muslim cleric in Iraq claims the driver of the van at a U.S. checkpoint in which at least seven women and children were killed was forced to disobey the soldiers' orders to stop, thereby causing the civilian deaths, reports Fox News Channel.By Wednesday the story had climbed up the journalistic food chain, to the New York Post: Sahid Mohammed Bakir Almohari - a prominent Muslim cleric from the town near where the shooting and an earlier homicide bombing occurred - said on Fox News Channel that villagers told him Iraqi militants mercilessly orchestrated both incidents to try to whip up anti-American support.Nasty, eh? The only problem with the speculative story planted by Fox News and repeated by NewMax, WorldNetDaily and the New York Post, was that it was false. An actual news correspondent interviewed survivors of the incident and by Wednesday, published reports had described what really happened: Surviving members of a family whose van was fired on by U.S. troops in Iraq said they were traveling toward allied lines because they thought an air-dropped leaflet had advised them to flee for safety.Case closed? Hardly. Facts don't seem to matter at The Washington Times, which published this on Thursday: A respected Shi'ite Muslim ... Imam Sayyid Mohammed Barkir said 13 women and children were ordered by the Fedayeen Saddam paramilitary fighters to carry out a suicide mission Monday by charging the checkpoint.What this illustrates is not exactly an all-encompassing conspiracy, of course. The truth is out there. But the truth often doesn't get through to those who get their information from Fox News, the New York Post or the Washington Times. [Update: TBOGG hears the same false story on radio, and knows the history of the offending repeater ("Spinning like a top", April 3).]
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The floggings will cease when morale improves. |
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