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Welfare causes terrorism! Did I mention that welfare causes terrorism? Yes! Twenty seven times by my own count, and that's enought to hammer even Josh Marshall into admitting that there may be more than a grain of truth here. For that reason, and because I love immigrants and want to save them from a life of sloth, I am in favor of eliminating all welfare benefits to immigrants and their descendents for three generations, and for the implantation of painful slivers of wood under their fingernails (but only until they get a job, of course!). But while my recommendations are just conventional wisdom in the United States, the Germans stubbornly refuse to take my advice! My extensive sources tell me that a) that might not be a bad thing since it will only end up discrediting the lefty pro-welfare types and b) no-one cares what the Germans think anyway... makes sense to me! But wait! Under the President's well-meaning Faith-Based Initiative, there's still somewhere left for those terrorism-prone unemployed immigrants to go when they get hungry, isn't there? And how do we know for sure that the clerics of certain Armies of Compassion aren't hiding an explosives belt under those voluminous robes? Especially clerics of certain subversive religions who preach that "the most important thing is to do good deeds..." This could be a big problem for the Republicans once the public catches on... Do the Democrats see an opportunity to outflank Bush from the right here? I certainly do... [Update: Prof. Reynolds thinks I'm onto something here!]
Colin Powell resigns, joins Democratic Party
He realized what he had to do, Powell said, when he re-read the latest State Department report on states that sponsor terrorism. "We put Iraq on that list, but we really had to stretch for reasons. We accused them of not being sufficiently sympathetic to us after 9/11, of not extraditing a couple of Saudi fugitives, that sort of thing. And now Saddam is Hitler again. Give me a break." Powell is also switching political parties. "I can't do much for the Republicans any more" he said, "but from the inside, maybe I can still help the Democratic Party. Somebody has to oppose the administration's politically-driven brinkmanship". He added that the Democrats "just don't really understand what they're up against".
Aides quoted Bush as responding "who cares what Colin does? I still get to keep Condy, right?"
Does it matter if my Defense Secretary lies to me? It's not to that hard to come up with a list of excuses for Don Rumsfeld's lies about the circumstances under which UNSCOM inspectors left Iraq in December 1998. Let's go through the main ones.
Addendum:Tom Tomorow has another example of Don Rumsfeld's difficulty with matters of fact.
12:00 PM PDT
And of course, the country that threw the inspectors out was not the United States. It was not the United Nations.Later in the day, on the PBS Newshour, Rumsfeld repeated the same assertion: So there clearly is a role in our world for inspections but it tends to be with a cooperate partner, and we have seen the situation with Iraq where they have violated some 16 UN resolutions and finally threw the inspectors out.But of course, Don Rumsfeld was lying when he claimed that Iraq threw out the weapons inspectors. He was repeating a bold-faced lie, knowingly asserting a falsehood that has been repeatedly debunked. The truth is that the UNSCOM inspectors were withdrawn from Iraq in December 1998 so that the US and the UK could proceed to bomb Iraq as punishment for insufficient cooperation. The truth is that the weapons inspectors were not thrown out by Iraq. But the truth appears to be an elusive concept for Mr. Rumsfeld. Why should we believe anything uttered by this Secretary of Defense who so openly practices to deceive us?
We cannot allow some of the world's worst leaders to harbor and develop the world's worst weapons. That's how George W. Bush put it earlier this year, and variants of that phrase have appeared regularly in his speeches, most recently yesterday. Presumably, by "worst weapons" Mr. Bush is not referring to weapons that don't work well, but rather to those that are the most efficacious in sowing death and destruction.
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