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From the Dept. of Small Things, a little White House cover-up. Near the tail end of George W. Bush's statement on the Middle East yesterday, I heard him say this: The world finds itself at a critical moment. This is a conflict that can widen or an opportunity we can seize. And so I've decided to send Secretary of State Powell to the region next week to seek broad international support for the vision I've outlaid today.The NY Times faithfully transcribed Mr. Bush's actual words, but the official White House transcript fails to comport with reality: The world finds itself at a critical moment. This is a conflict that can widen or an opportunity we can seize. And so I've decided to send Secretary of State Powell to the region next week to seek broad international support for the vision I've outlined today.A small obfuscation, to be sure, but fitting for the incredibly small man who occupies the Oval Office. In his piercing analysis of the way this administration operates, Matthew Yglesias recently noted that "in a very deep sense there simply is no George W. Bush in the White House." To which I would only add that in a very democratic sense, there is simply no President in the White House.
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The floggings will cease when morale improves. |