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Maybe Mr. Bush forgot to look into Kenneth Lay's soul. How else to explain his affection for "Kenny Boy", the man at the epicenter of the expanding Enron scandal? After meeting with Russian President Putin last July, Mr. Bush expounded on his own perspicacity: So was Mr. Lay ever invited to Prairie Chapel Ranch? Contrary to Mr. Bush's recent bald-faced lie, he and Mr. Lay are old and close friends. The Enron CEO is a member of the Bush "Pioneers" club, which means that he has raised from his employees and other at least $100,000 for Mr. Bush, and he has also personally contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bush campaigns. Given all that, it's reasonable to assume that Mr. Bush has had many chances to look his most generous patron in the eye and get a sense of his soul, just like he did on his first meeting with Mr. Putin. It would be interesting to know what his piercing vision discerned in Ken Lay's eye. Did he find him to be very straightforward and trustworthy? Did he invite Mr. Lay to the ranch? This is an important question because Mr. Bush has accepted a huge amount of soft money from a man who now appears to be a scoundrel. How could that be? Perhaps Mr. Bush was fooled by this corrupt soul, but in that case maybe it's not such a good idea to let him play President in negotiations with Vladimir Putin and other elected leaders. Or maybe he maintained his friendship with Ken Lay, and accepted his money, knowing full well that the man was a scam artist. Not something a man of good character would do, but hardly unthinkable in the case of Mr. Bush.
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The floggings will cease when morale improves. |